Sunday, January 8, 2012

Open Mat & the X Guard Sweep

Yesterday at girls' class we worked an X-guard sweep that I thought I had down pretty well. We started from a basic open guard (grab sleeves, lean back, feet on hips of your partner) and then dove under our partner's legs and hooked the ankle to the shoulder while doing a collar drag. Get your x-hooks in, and push against your partner's thigh. As they start to fall, let go of the collar and lift the leg up and as the fall stand up. We practiced it a lot. And positional sparred. I thought I got it. And then I went to open mat.

My hubs is about a foot taller than me, and I was drilling it on him. It . Did. Not. Work. We drilled and drilled and drilled and even worked on my technical stand up to make sure I was doing it right. For the life of me I could not push him over!! ARGH!!!! I hate when I think I did something well in class, and then in execution I cannot get it to work. So frustrating.

Nothing left to do but train train train and drill drill drill. I really think this sweep could work for me if I could just get it right.

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